You're not going to believe this but one of my hands slipped through the seaman's knot and now the other hand is shaking off the rope and without thinking I grab a big and I mean big wrench that's on the floor and I jump up and start swinging the wrench swinging the wrench and yelling and swinging the wrench and yelling and I whack one of the men the foreigner with it with the wrench and he touches his head and falls to the floor and I keep swinging and yelling and swinging and yelling and the other guy the dude from NASA gets scared as shit and runs off I mean out of the hatch or door or whatever it is and he's hollaring like he saw something horrible and I don't know maybe he did.

And now the monkeys I mean marmosets are hopping up and down in their cages and screaming causing a ruckus and I grab the key ring from the guy I just clobbered and there's only one small skeleton on the ring and I try it and it works on all the cage doors and I start going from cage to cage unlocking door after door after door.

I'm starting to feel
my old self again.

And now the monkeys I mean marmosets why do I keep calling them monkeys are falling onto the floor and hurling jumping pushing each other out of their cages onto the floor and shit man they're running around screaming and chirping like birds and following me as I unlock still more cages more cages and set them free at last setting free their brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and the mammas and the papas or at least other marmosets see I didn't even call them monkeys this time!

This is it man this is what it's all about my life my purpose in life what I'm doing on this planet why I'm here what I'm meant to do with my brief time on this rock THIS IS FUCKING IT!

I can't believe it!
They're following me!

And now I'm topside on the deck not a soul anywhere but one old fart who is either drunk or asleep but dammit I don't care because I'm running across the deck and my marmosets are following me they're actually following me jumping on crates and over chains and pulleys and midshipman stuff and it's a rush we're all running and jumping and climbing over the deck and ...

WOW! That's my car!

That's my car parked by the pier my car is here and there's Anita standing by my car standing by the open door on the driver's side standing and waving and gesturing for me to hurry up hurry up waving like a madwoman which she is and now I'm hurrying I'm runnning down the gangplank and my marmosets are following me following me some of them running beside me and some of them leaping from the side of the ship to the pier flying in the air and landing on the ground the pier


Max City Max City Max City Max City