Once upon a time there was a Starr-struck young woman who, like Cinderella, spent her entire life searching for fame and attending the balls of powerful men.  Like Pocahontas, she was sure-footed and nimble of tongue.

Is he coming for me yet?

"You think that I am just a lonely intern
A Jewish girl who hardly understands
But I know tricks you never even heard of
You're a guy, you're like putty in my hands.

You think the only girls who let you love them
Are the girls who think you think the things they do
But I know, and I've known, that I'm above them
You're a man. I'm a woman after you.

Have you heard the screaming hillary that greets the dawn
Or asked the spinning pundit why he spins
Come and cling to me inside the closet yonder
Come and walk with me this road that never ends
I will color the opinions of your friends."


"I'll run the Senate hearings like a rabbit
I'll leap the House committee like a fawn
I fantasize - but look! Then, starr's around me
In a breeze, by the poplars, on the lawn.

The website and the talk show are my brothers
The nighttime tv magazine my friend
And they are all connected to each other
In a circle, round the planet, like the wind.

Have you heard the screaming hillary that greets the dawn
Or asked the spinning pundit why he spins
Come and cling to me inside the closet yonder
Come and walk with me this road that will not end
I will color every meeting you attend.

How far will this sad affair go,
If I sell the rights ... to HBO-OOOOO."


"Then the world will hear the hillary that screams at dawn
To Monica, all heads of state will bend
I will paint the global race in colors gently
Both my image and my true love I defend!"

            She sings loudly, in anger and defiance.
            She clutches her beret in a shaking fist.

"Let the nation go to war
I'll be damned if I'm a whore!
Hear the whole world shout! I'm every man's best friend!"

[Music by the great Alan Menkin. Revised lyrics by Max Pearson.]

Max City  loves  Walt Disney