So tell me, Scratch. How is it you came
to occupy such a low and sorry state?

Let me fix you another coctail.

Scotch.  Neat.  A double.

I like a woman who can hold her liquor.

Just don't get any funny ideas.
I have a reputation to consider.

Don't we all, don't we all.

Where was I?

My sorry state.

Oh, yes. How could any rational being turn away from God,
and choose instead an existance of misery and self-loathing?

You do ask the tough questions. I respect that.
Let us for a moment consider Janet Reno.

As you can see, America's Secretary of State was a woman in her last incarnation.
She was married to Cold War Soviet General Boris Misha Imonabitch Alemanov.
In this photograph, we see her contemplating Russia's arsenal of nuclear warheads.

And what is this?

Congressional wind-up toy - Janet In A Box.

Quite the comedian, aren't you?

Well, I am the Devil.

Can we move along? I'm starting to wilt.

All right, then. Guess which two modern day celebrities - an old
actor and a youthful religious leader - were once involved
in a scandalous not to mention illicit love afffair?

This is absurd.

Work with me.

Think Golgotha. Think Hollywood!

You can't mean Chuck Heston and Ralph Reed.

Of course they were complete heathens in that incarnation,
devotees of Mars and Mithras and I don't know what all.
These days they hate homosexuals, as you may imagine,
having themselves already feasted on Forbidden Fruit.

The guilty dog hollars loudest?

They were such bad bad boys.