of the document, in no particular order. Later, a completed section will follow. |
"... didn't know that my spies had been observing her ..."
"... although both performed admirably at the Temple of Isis, thwarting her plans ..."
"... and so it was that My Wife and Loving Sister, intending to incite against Caesar the always incitable Alexandrians, ordered the destruction of ... "
"... when the lone arsonist was silenced by Cleopatra's assassin. And then the arsonist's assassin was killed, to ensure secrecy. And then the assassin's assassin. And that man, a rather dim and trusting cousin, was stricken with severe stomach pains as he ... "
"... summoning the High Priests and Attending Ladies and feigning for them outrage at the Roman generals' hubris. Cleopatra, it goes without saying, is not particularly religious except when it comes to Her Own Deified Self."
"... and after her bath Cleopatra, in characteristic pique, ordered the execution of thirty highborn youths ..."
"... almost felt sorry for her. My Goddess had a cold that day. She looked dreadful. A dragonfly could have knocked her down. I, on the other hand, radiated good health and fine spirits ..."
"... since we were indentical in everything but years ..."
"... by face only to the Royal Family and a handful of priests and ministers ..."
idea came to me, inspired I believe by the True Gods of Our Glorious Past; and upon leaving the Temple I was overwhelmed by feelings of ..."
I think we all know where this is leading. Come back soon for more of The Ptolemaic Deception. And remember, bookmark the first page only since all of the others may change without notice.